

24 小时里,只有5 个小时是我们俩说话玩耍的时间。
佩服以前的妈妈,10 个孩子,还是可以一手带大孩子。
佩服以前的爸爸,10 个孩子,还是可以一个人做工赚钱,养家糊口。
佩服现时代的全职妈妈,可以放下所有, 为了孩子和丈夫,全心全意,在家相夫教子。。。
不能想象,俊喜诞生之后, 我会是怎么忙碌法。。

Not just “quality time” but quantity time. Know this, that when you are not spending time with your children, someone else is. When you received your child into this world, it was like receiving a beautiful book with all blank pages. Like a daily planner, each fifteen-minute interval has an empty line beside it. Your child’s history is not yet written. The sum total of life is the accumulation of minutes—minutes listening to someone, talking to someone, seeing or hearing something said by another, or minutes consumed watching a video produced by a disreputable character from Hollywood. Everyday, you write in that book, line by line; or you take your child to a baby sitter or to school, and you turn the book over to someone else, and they too write into your child’s life. The hour you spend with your child is not more influential than the hour someone else spends. Value time enough to spend it on your children.

4 条评论:

Jun 说...

gambate!God will guide all the ways. You can make it :)

Chin Nee 说...

yup, spending time on the right person is worth it even though very tiring.

when your new baby born, your time will be more worth, coz you can use one same time to spend on 2 children. does this call time quality + quantity improvement? haha.. i'm not sure too.

Jia you bah!! God is with u, remember that.

siang 说...

Jun and Nee..yaya...God will guide all the ways! Always believe tat!

ah siew 说...

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